Suaad and Qasim and their children are originally from an area known as Al Salem, in Baghdad, Iraq. In 2009, Qasim, who worked as a cleaner at a military facility, was kidnapped by an unknown group of men. After several
Through the generous donations of ARC supporters, we are able to provide housing for more than a dozen (and growing) refugee families living in dire circumstances in camps in Greece, and in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. In some cases we have moved people from tents into apartments, or from sheds, make-shift stalls, or even from the streets into safe housing. In addition to shelter, families and individuals have other basic needs including: food, domestic items, and skills training in order to become self-sufficient as there are relatively few jobs available to the refugee population.
Suaad and Qasim and their children are originally from an area known as Al Salem, in Baghdad, Iraq. In 2009, Qasim, who worked as a cleaner at a military facility, was kidnapped by an unknown group of men. After several
This large family is living in Gaziantep,Turkey after first escaping bombings in their village in the Damascus suburbs in 2013 and fleeing subsequent violent conditions in Raqqua and Kobani on their difficult journey. As Kurdish Syrian refugees living in Turkey,
ARC is on the cusp of sponsoring two micro-enterprises. One of these is a small convenience shop for the Al Kahlil family in response to the father, Okba’s business initiative. Okba has been working seven days a week: five days
Early one morning in July 2012, Amina’s husband left for work as a driver and never returned. Soon after this, Syrian regime forces attacked her village, tortured the men and killed her neighbors. Amina and her children fled to the
Back Basma and her husband and four young children fled war conditions in Syria and found refuge in Jordan. Soon after their arrival, the father left the family, fled to Turkey and was not heard of or from, again. Without