Finger Puppet madness in Gevgelija
Finger Puppet madness in Gevgelija

We have collected a few resources below for ideas of how we can support refugees in greatest need at a given time from the US, but welcome you to submit your own ideas and efforts here. To follow where the refugees are and other solidarity efforts, see this map:

There are MANY ways you can help. For more information on any of these ideas, please contact us at

1. Volunteer for a week or longer In Greece or Serbia. You can join one of our trips or we can hook you up with volunteers on the ground.

2. We are working on developing Micro-Enterprise opportunities for refugees stuck in Greece. Some of our ideas so far are a Community Kitchen, Recycle/upcycle unwanted clothing into gloves and perhaps christmas stockings to sell in the USA and Europe, Garden to table foods. If you have entrepreneurial skills, ideas, or want to raise start up funds for refugees to do their micro-enterprises, please contact us.

2. Organize a cash fundraiser. Pick an item that’s needed. Thousands of each are needed, so best to buy one item in bulk. Please check with us for what is needed during each season. It would be funds for heating, shoes, crafts and learning supplies, the list is endless.  Please note is SUPER expensive to Greece, so Amazon wishlists are not the best to use.

4. Donate to a Fundraiser already organized. There are many! Ask us for the most recent list of campaigns we support.


5. What special skills do you have to offer from your home? A group of psychologists from several countries have set up a free counseling service for volunteers via skype. Can you design posters? Think out of the box for how you can match your skill set with need.